After Arrival Service


Pishtazan Canada provides a post-arrival service package that you can use to inform us when you contract to add it to your contract clauses. Some of these services include airport transfers, cell phone .shopping, bank account opening, job training and employment skills, and finding suitable accommodation for temporary or permanent clients. Here we will briefly only talk about housing. .

Consultation of

Providing Housing

Pishtazan Canada provides a wide range of housing services, including buying and selling and renting.
Our experienced and professional team of experts specializing in different areas is next to you, depending on your conditions and budget to buy or rent the housing you want.

Type of Housing
Buying House
Between $ 500.000 and up
Rental House
Between $ 2000 and up per month

Expert advice in Canada

Pishtazan Canada is proud to have a team of professionals who serve all Iranians and Farsi speakers for their academic and business immigration.

Tips of


As mentioned above, part of Pishtazan Canada is to apply for and receive a work visa for your associates. Since students are studying part-time at college or university, they may sometimes need guidance and assistance in finding work that we can provide along the way.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9